Tuesday 21 February 2012

Music Magazine-Analysis of Magazine-Front Cover-Codes and Conventions

In order to understand the codes and conventions of a magazine i have analysed three magazines. As i had to analyse the ocdes and connventions of a magazine in the project before i have used the same cover pages but improved the analysation.

After analysing these three magazine front covers I now know the key aspect that make up the codes and conventions of a magazine. When I start designing my front covers I know what aspects to use to attract my target audience by using certain colours, sizes of photos and text styles. From studying these magazines I no not to leave too much dead space because it makes the magazine look boring and not very interesting, I also no not to place too much text on the front cover as it will put off my target audience from reading the rest of the magazine. The front cover is the page that has to catch the audience’s eye straight away otherwise they won’t be interested in the rest of the magazine.

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