Monday, 19 March 2012

Music Magazine-Analysis of Magazine-Double Page Spread-Genre Research

I have now analysed three double page spreads with my specific genre, below are the analysed double page spreads:-

Analysis 1

Analysis 2  
Analysis 3

Through analysing these three components, I have learnt a lot about iconic attributes and conventions for a music magazine with the genre of indie/rock. Some of the key features that I have learnt about I will apply when creating my product such as: - the plain background is effective as it won’t draw any attention away from the information and images on the page, make sure that both pages are equalled out with information and text on each side, use columns to make it easier to read the text and it looks professional and clearer.

Music Magazine-Analysis of Magazine-Contents Page-Genre Research

 I have now analysed three contents pages with my indie/rock genre, below are my contents pages:-

Analysis 1

Analysis 2 

Analysis 3

Through analysing three contents pages, I have learnt the key iconic attributes and conventions that need to be in a music magazine for the genre indie/rock. Some of the feature that I have learnt will be applied to my own contents page when I design it. The feature that I will design onto my contents page will be using one main image that has been posed and a couple of smaller images of the band or artist at a concert or gig making the images realistic, only using a maximum of three different colours and text fonts otherwise the page will look confusing.

Music Magazine-Analysis of Magazine-Front Cover-Genre Research

Now that I have completed my genre research through analysing bands of my genre, I am now moving on to researching the front cover, contents and double page spread for my specific genre. Here I will research three front covers with the genre rock/indie. Below are my three front pages:-

Analysis 1

Analysis 2
Analysis 3

Through analysing these three front covers, I have learnt about the iconic attributes and conventions for an indie/rock magazine. There will be key features that I have learnt of that I will apply to my own design, such as the use of the main image staring at the audience with a straight face, the use of bright colours to emphasise text or an image, when using main colours use appropriate colour that have a meaning to the artist or band.

Music Magazine-Analysis of Band-The All American Rejects-Genre Research

The All American Rejects

This is the third band that I have researched with the genre of indie/rock. Below i have researched their album cover, website and their fashion.
Analysis of Album
Analysis of fashion
Analysis of website

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Music Magazine-Analysis of Band-My Chemical Romance-Genre Research

My Chemical Romance
The second band that I will be researching is My Chemical Romance. I will be researching there fashion sense, there album and their webpage.
Analysis of fashion

Analysis of album

Analysis of webpage
From researching about my specific genre I fully know, what type of photographs to apply, using photographs that have a lot of facial expression and body language when they sing will show the viewer that they love singing and performing to thousands of people.

From researching about my specific genre I fully know, what type of photographs to apply, using photographs that have a lot of facial expression and body language when they sing will show the viewer that they love singing and performing to thousands of people.

Music Magazine-Analysis of Band-Florence and the Machines-Genre Research

Now that I have finished analysing my three front covers, contents pages and double page spread I have now moved onto researching my chosen genre so I will understand what to include when I design my music magazine. I will study three different bands with the same genre. From analysing these three different genres I will understand, the type of hair, type of clothing that the genre wears, the colour scheme and the main fonts that is used for the masthead.

Florence and the Machines
Florence and the Machines is the first band that I am going to be analysing.
Analysis of the album

Analysis of fashion

Analysis of webpage

From analysing the band Florence and the Machines I now who what type of fonts are good to use and would work well in my music magazine. I also understand that different colours represent different things therefore I need to be careful with the colours that I will use.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Music Magazine-Analysis of Magazine-Double Page Spread-Codes and Conventions Research

From analysing three double page spreads, I have attempted to discover the common codes and conventions of an article. From analysing these articles I can apply these common codes and conventions to my product that I will be designing. Through analysing three double page spreads I feel they I now fully understand the codes and conventions of a double page spread in a music magazine. Below are the three double page spread that I have analysed.

Analysis 21
Analysis 2

Analysis 3

After analysing these double page spreads I have realized that there are key elements to follow with codes and conventions within a double page spread for a music magazine. These are things such as; equal out the about of information and photographs on each page, use colours that relate to the type of genre the artist follows, as this will break down the fourth wall between the reader and editor, use a variety of colours and fonts to keep the reader interested, the masthead has to be clear, bold and stand out clearly to the reader. These are all codes and conventions that I will be applying to my double page spread when first designing my drafts.