Thursday 15 March 2012

Music Magazine-Analysis of Band-Florence and the Machines-Genre Research

Now that I have finished analysing my three front covers, contents pages and double page spread I have now moved onto researching my chosen genre so I will understand what to include when I design my music magazine. I will study three different bands with the same genre. From analysing these three different genres I will understand, the type of hair, type of clothing that the genre wears, the colour scheme and the main fonts that is used for the masthead.

Florence and the Machines
Florence and the Machines is the first band that I am going to be analysing.
Analysis of the album

Analysis of fashion

Analysis of webpage

From analysing the band Florence and the Machines I now who what type of fonts are good to use and would work well in my music magazine. I also understand that different colours represent different things therefore I need to be careful with the colours that I will use.

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