Thursday 1 March 2012

Music Magazine-Analysis of Magazine-Double Page Spread-Codes and Conventions Research

From analysing three double page spreads, I have attempted to discover the common codes and conventions of an article. From analysing these articles I can apply these common codes and conventions to my product that I will be designing. Through analysing three double page spreads I feel they I now fully understand the codes and conventions of a double page spread in a music magazine. Below are the three double page spread that I have analysed.

Analysis 21
Analysis 2

Analysis 3

After analysing these double page spreads I have realized that there are key elements to follow with codes and conventions within a double page spread for a music magazine. These are things such as; equal out the about of information and photographs on each page, use colours that relate to the type of genre the artist follows, as this will break down the fourth wall between the reader and editor, use a variety of colours and fonts to keep the reader interested, the masthead has to be clear, bold and stand out clearly to the reader. These are all codes and conventions that I will be applying to my double page spread when first designing my drafts.

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