Monday 23 April 2012

Evaluation - Question 6

What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I have been studying Media Studies since year 10 so I am very familiar with most of the programs that we use, but for the first time I have used the program In Design to create my cover page, contents and double page spread. I’m not that familiar with this program so at first it took some time to understand the tools and how to use the layer correctly. With this program I found it hard to use the layers, there was a lot of layers to be used and I created text, object or place a photograph on the wrong layer, this would mean that every object or text on that layer would get deleted or other layers would go over it there for certain objects couldn’t be seen. I found this very frustrating as parts of my work kept getting deleted.
To become more familiar with this program I went on “Google” to learn how to use certain tools and the layers. Here is a link that I went on to learn how to use the program:-

On this link it explains how to use everything on in design for colouring text to using the layers properly.

Through looking over my preliminary task and my GCSE work I have noticed that I don't use the right font in a situation. From doing better research and help from students in my class I now understand that to make a magazine look realistic everything has to relate to each other even the font. With my music magazine it has an Indie/Rock genre there for the font has to be bold and strong, if the font was in Italics the magazine would look unprofessional as the font wouldn't relate to anything on the magazine. With the font I also learnt that I was able to increase the gap between each letter and increase the length of a letter or word without changing the size of it.

Below I have shown the difference the font colours make to a magazine.
This is my final version with the text that I think suits the genre.
The text is bold like vlock letters clearly stands out to the audience.

 This is the the text with the italics as a font. I dont think this text works as well as the block lettered text. As you can see from the masthead above stands out more to the audience, the words are easier to read from close and far away. 

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