Friday 20 April 2012

Final Versions and Draft Versions

Cover Page

Here are my final designs for my cover page, contents page and double page spread, here I have finished my first final versions, then I asks a couple of students to comment on my work both negative and positive. From these comments I have developed my work . Below are the final designs.

 Contents Page

Double Page Spread

     Draft Versions

To get both positive and negative feedback on my work i have ask three students that are the targets audience age, from the comments that I will get i feel that i can improve my magazine.

 Liam Evans - Positive
I like the main image as it is following the iconic style, posing blankly into the camera with out an expression, I can relate easily to the model as he is about the same age as me and the type of style I wear. I like that the cover page has been split into two sections, a quarter of the top page has a plain black background, this makes the bold red masthead stand out clearer catching my attention straight away, I like that the cover line is in a different bold white font but still manages to stand out clearly to the audience. Even though there are three different text on this page I still feel that they all relate to each other, with out confusing the audience. Using a quote from the artist that the magazine is talking about is a good way to relate to the audience.

Liam Evans - Negative
In my opinion i feel the only problem with this cover page is that there is too much spare space and not enough information, smaller images or stories about other artists in the magazine. Once other images and more text has been added i think the cover page will look more exciting and inviting.

Ife Ahove - Positive
I like that the page has been split in to two section i feel that have a black rectangle at the top of the page splits up the page a bit making it look more inviting, the main background colour goes well with the colours of the texts and the images, grey is a good colour to use as many Indie/Rock magazines will use this colour for their background. The main image is a good image as the model stares directly into the camera, this is an iconic style. I feel that the text colours with quote go well with what is being said and creates a bit of an atmosphere.

Ife Ahove - Negative
Although I like this cover page i feel that there needs to be a few more small photographs at the bottom or left side of the page, therefore making the page look as though there is a lot of information, this will invite the audience in to reading the rest of the magazine. I think there is too much bare space which needs to be filled with text or small photographs

Kristy Barrett - Positive
i feel that having an offer on the cover page will attract the female sex into buying this magazine just for the poster, the image of the models face will also attract the female sex, they will just buy the magazine just to look and read about the artist on the front cover. I feel that the black rectangle place on the top of the magazine makes the poster look more interesting and catches my attention.

Kristy Barrett -Negative
I think that the lower three quarters of the page haven't got enough information or photographs on it. There is too much grey background, this makes it look like the magazine is struggling for information to used.

To get both positive and negative feedback on my work i have ask three students that are the targets audience age, from the comments that I will get i feel that i can improve my magazine.

 Liam Evans - Positive
I like the main image as it is a realistic image of the artist playing the guitar the audience will appreciate the image being realistic and not posed. The colour scheme is consistent I feel the white text contrasts well from the black background. As there is more than one story on this page it interested me into looking through the the features of the magazine.

Liam Evans - Negative
Although i like the main image i feel that there needs to be a background to it as it looks like the image is just floating on the page. It says "images from the Royal Albert Hall" but there is only one photo, the image needs to be image smaller and a bigger variety of photos need to be place there to stop it looking bare.

Ife Ahove - Positive
I like that the masthead say "electro this week" instead of the usual "contents" title, this shows me that this magazine should be quite unique. I like that all the sub heading have a thin red outer line around them, the red outer line makes the text stand out clearly and boldly to the audience, the smaller white text also stands out to the audience as white contrast the best off the colour black

Ife Ahove - Negative

The main image needs a different background colour on image as the image doesn't set right on the page. There needs to be more smaller images added as the page looks to plain, there seems to be a lot of black plain spaces.

Kristy Barrett - Positive
I like how the colour scheme has only three colour this makes it really clear for me to look at the text with out getting confused. The realistic image of the artist playing the guitar, the end of the guitar looks like it is coming out of the page, I feel that the way the image has been taken is a nice effect.

Kristy Barrett - Negative
From first looking at the page I feel that there isn't enough text or images on the page, there is too much black plain space, this makes the page look like there isn't a lot f information on it and will put the audience off from reading it. The main image needs a background image as it looks like the image is floating on the page, there also need to be more images at the bottom of the page as there is a lot of background space.

To get both positive and negative feedback on my work i have ask three students that are the targets audience age, from the comments that I will get i feel that i can improve my magazine.

Liam Evan - Positive
The background although a plain dark black relates well to the genre of the magazine, black is also a colour that any other colour contrasts well off of. The mast head has a strong bold red outer line, the size of the text s an appropriate size for the masthead.  The "News" sign in the top right side is a good piece of information for the reader as they are constantly being reminded of the website and exclusive news. I like that the the word "stronger" on the cover line is in a bold red this attracted me to red the text. 

Liam Evan - Negative
At the bottom of the page there is too much bare space, i feel that this makes the page look empty as though the editor is struggling with things to talk about. The red rectangle on the left side with "McCoy's Q&A" looks half empty, the information should reach down to the bottom of the page as again it looks like the editor is struggling for information. 

Ife Ahove - Positive
I like the photograph of the model, i feel that it is an iconic pose for a rock artist, i feel that photograph adds atmosphere to the page as the model looks upset or depressed, i feel that the image has related well to the story that is being told on the other side. The big "S" at the beginning of the text is also very effective as it stood out from the rest of the text which made me want to read it.

Ife Ahove - Negative
I feel that masthead should be a bit longer so it is slightly over the models head, the information in the red rectangle on the left side I feel needs more information in it, otherwise it make the page look bare. There needs to be more information at the bottom of the page on the right side as there is only one photo and it makes the entire page look boring, plain and bare. 

Kristy Barrett - Positive
Starting with the background colour, I like the way black contrasts well with the red and white text, the masthead stands out well to the audience because of how strong and bold the red outer line is. The photograph relates well to the story on the other page therefore the audience can relate more to the magazine as everything is connected and related to each other, the text have been constant throughout the magazine. The colour scheme has stayed the same throughout the magazine as well. Consistency has to be kept for the entire magazine to relate to each other thus the audience can relate to the magazine as well. 

Kristy Barrett - Negative
Although I like the atmosphere the photograph causes I feel that the photo needs to be a bit larger, taking up more space on the page. On the same page something needs to be at the bottom either smaller photographs or text as the page looks too bare and plain. The text inside the red rectangle on the left needs to be increased, there isn't enough, this makes it look like the magazine is struggling for information to talk about.The page is too bare and plain in my opinion this will put the audience off from reading the page.

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