Friday 27 April 2012

Final Designs

Here are my final designs for my Cover Page, Contents Page and Double Page Spread

Cover Page
 Double Page Spread

Monday 23 April 2012

Evaluation - Questoin 7
Looking back through your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to your full product?
Below is a prezi documentary, here I have explained what progressions I have made such as time management.

Evaluation - Question 6

What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I have been studying Media Studies since year 10 so I am very familiar with most of the programs that we use, but for the first time I have used the program In Design to create my cover page, contents and double page spread. I’m not that familiar with this program so at first it took some time to understand the tools and how to use the layer correctly. With this program I found it hard to use the layers, there was a lot of layers to be used and I created text, object or place a photograph on the wrong layer, this would mean that every object or text on that layer would get deleted or other layers would go over it there for certain objects couldn’t be seen. I found this very frustrating as parts of my work kept getting deleted.
To become more familiar with this program I went on “Google” to learn how to use certain tools and the layers. Here is a link that I went on to learn how to use the program:-

On this link it explains how to use everything on in design for colouring text to using the layers properly.

Through looking over my preliminary task and my GCSE work I have noticed that I don't use the right font in a situation. From doing better research and help from students in my class I now understand that to make a magazine look realistic everything has to relate to each other even the font. With my music magazine it has an Indie/Rock genre there for the font has to be bold and strong, if the font was in Italics the magazine would look unprofessional as the font wouldn't relate to anything on the magazine. With the font I also learnt that I was able to increase the gap between each letter and increase the length of a letter or word without changing the size of it.

Below I have shown the difference the font colours make to a magazine.
This is my final version with the text that I think suits the genre.
The text is bold like vlock letters clearly stands out to the audience.

 This is the the text with the italics as a font. I dont think this text works as well as the block lettered text. As you can see from the masthead above stands out more to the audience, the words are easier to read from close and far away. 

Evaluation - Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract/address my audience I have applied certain aspects used in an rock/indie magazine to my magazine, here is a indie/rock magazine as you can see that:-

v  The background colour is dark black already showing the audience that this is a rock magazine as dark colours are associated with rock music

v  With red writing; the colour red represents rage and anger, the black background contrasts well with the red writing, standing out clearly to the audience. Within this magazine every text cover red is in a block font, the name of the magazine is in a clear red block font, with a white outline clearly standing out to the audience.

v  Indie/rock magazine cover pages are usually quite messy , everything overlaps each other, the magazine cover page relates to the music that they perform, indie/rock music is quite manic and crazy, if this can be related onto the magazine the audience will see clearly that  this is a indie/rock magazine

v  Indie/Rock magazines only use three colours; they are normally red, white and black. These three colours have been purposely used the colour red represents anger, desire, passion and danger, black represents power, mystery and elegance and white represents mainly faith. These three colours have been purposely used as they explain the type of music that the band plays and how they perform. 

v  The smaller images used on the cover page are usually of the bands live performance or of one member of a band who is usually in trouble, the image is always a unique photograph, this makes the reader curious, leading them to read on through the magazine.

v  Below is a wordle, I have asks five pupils to describe my cover page, contents and double page spread few words they feel appropriate, I ask them "what attracted you to the cover page, contents and double page spread by the text, gaze theory, language/writing style". All of the words that were said have been place on the wordle; the bigger words have been used several times.

Typographic font 
 Here I have created another wordle containing words that the pupils gave me when I asked them "what was it about the text on my work reflected my Indie/Rock genre" The colour and font of the text is very important to get right on a music magazine, the colours and fonts have to reflect the type of genre, the audience should clearly be able to tell what type of genre the magazine is just by looking at the text. Throughout the three pages I produced I kept to the same fonts, if too many fonts are used pages will clash and the audience will get confused resulting in them not wanting to read through the rest of the magazine. Consistency has to be used for a successful magazine. I feel that the colour and the font that was used for my masthead was appropriate for the type of genre, the colour red is represented as dangerous, passionate and rage, these are world you would be able to use to talk about my genre. The background colour contrasted well with the red, therefore the masthead stood out clearly. 

Gaze Theory
The gaze is used in every magazine to attract mainly the opposite sex to buy the magazine, but also the same sex. The gaze theory works well with teenagers and young adults as they are always looking for a celebrity to "fall in love with" or idolise. Woman will be more inclined to buying a magazine if they are sexually attracted to the celebrity on the front page or if they idolize them, this works the same way for men. Therefore I have used a young male teenager with a "rock" look to pose in my magazine; this will attract more of the female sex to buy my magazine. To make sure that the image I had attracted teenage girls to my magazine I went and ask a variety of female pupils "what in the models look attracted you to this magazine". Below is a wordle that I have created what features attracted them to the model used on my magazine

By using a model that had the same look as a rock e.g. long hair, blank stare into the camera, the shirt with the top button open and other iconic features that the  Indie/Rock style follow.

Language/Writing Style
To relate more to my target audience I have used colloquial language throughout the entire magazine. Using formal or literal language the magazine will not appeal to them there as much as it would if I used colloquial language. Using colloquial language addresses my target audience directly. Below I have created a wordle to show the words the audience used to describe why the type of words used in the text attracted them to wanting to read the magazine.

Evaluation - Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

I feel that the target audience for my magazine is from the age of 14 – 25, I feel that this is an appropriate age for my magazine. Although this is the average age for my magazine there will be a specific type of person that my magazine will appeal to. My magazine is of an Indie/rock genre therefore the magazine will only appeal to a variety of people. People who are into rock and indie music would enjoy my magazine rather than a person who is into hip-hop.
I have asked the same people I asked to describe my cover page, contents and double page spread to say who they think my target audience is and who the social group is.

What would be the target audiences age for my magazine?

Liam Evans
From looking at the magazine I can see that it is for an age of around about 16 - 25. I can tell this from the model as he is of the around about same age. The audience will find it easy to relate to the magazine.

Kristy Barrett
To me the magazine has an age group of 13 - about 18, the language used is colloquial there for children too you or adults won’t understand what certain words mean because they have been abbreviated or changed.

Ife Ahove
I think the target audiences age is from about 14 - 20ish , the magazine looks of a teenage age, the model is about this age therefore the audience can relate to this magazine and the model. Quotes from the band or band members are always put on cover pages and double page spreads, to fully understand what the band or band members might be going through you have to be of an older age to read between the lines of the quotes and article to understand the story that is being told.

What would be the target social audience for my magazine?

Liam Evans
The social target audience is of a rock/indie genre, you can see this from firstly the models pose. The model stares directly into the camera staring directly at the audience. The colours of the magazine also represent words that you can describe the genre by. 

Kristy Barrett 
I think that the social target audience is of a rock genre, the colours red, black and white are all strong bold colours that stand out to the audience. I feel that the colours represent what type of music is played in this case it would be of a rock genre. The text is also bold and clear standing out to the audience. Throughout cover page, contents and double page spread their colour of the background has been kept to a dark plain colour, this shows that the music genre can sometimes be dark and depressing, these are both words that can explain a rock genre magazine.

Ife Ahove
In my opinion the target social audience is of an indie/rock genre, the model that stares directly into the camera this is an iconic style for the cover page. The magazine also has realistic images of the artist/s performing this is a common convention with an indie/rock genre.  Throughout the magazine  

Evaluation - Question 3

What kind of media institution would distribute your media product and why?

The most common institution of music magazine to be distributed in is the newsagents. Newsagents distribute newspapers, gossip magazines, children’s magazines, sport magazines, music magazines etc. As my product is a music magazine, I feel that it would be appropriate to have the newsagents distribute my music magazine.

However other distributors could be ASDA, WHSmiths, boots etc. These places although won’t have such a variety of magazines they do sell the most popular magazines, these are fashion magazines, music magazines etc. If the audience knows that these companies are reliable trustworthy, the audience will be more inclined to go to that shop. Here is a selection of magazines’ in a distributor that would have my music magazine.

 I have also researched a well known distribution company for magazines. I know that"IPC Media" is a good distribution company because they produce over 60 media brands, therefore this company is worldwide. I have researched a bit into this distribution company as they have been on an Indie/Rock magazine called"NME”. From researching about this distribution company I now know that this company focuses on three main group’s upmarket women, mass market woman and men. My magazine has a target audience between mass market woman and men.
Indie/Rock genre hasn't got a massive audience because this type of music has two different genres; therefore pairing up with this distribution company would be a good idea. IPC media is a worldwide company therefore they have magazines in big brand supermarkets; if IPC market would distribute my magazine I feel that I would have a wider audience.

Here are some of the links that I collected my research from:-
These links show you the variety of magazine that is with this company, how to advertise specific magazines is certain way and general information about IPC media.

Evaluation - Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Below I have created a Prezi document, here I have highlighted specific features that I have used and explained how these features represent a particular social group.

Here is the link to the Prezi document:-

Saturday 21 April 2012

Evaluation - Question 1

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media?

Here I have annotated a music cover page, clearly showing the codes and conventions of this cover page, this way it is clear for me to understand the codes and conventions of a music cover page, being able to add these features correctly to my cover page. Below I have an annotated a professional music cover page and my final cover page design. I feel that this is an effective way for me to make sure I have all and the correct codes and conventions within my work.

This is a professional original magazine by "KERRANG" the magazine has a genre of Indie/Rock which is the genre I have researched about. 

Cover Page

The use of a small bar at the top of the page causes attraction this is normally for an exclusive piece of information. This is a common convention in this type of genre.

There has been a use of"Puff" this makes it eye catching, this is a common convention followed throughout the genre I have researched.

The image of the artist staring straight at the audience is a common iconic style with all Indie/Rock magazines. This creates an atmosphere with the audience as the artists stares straight at them.

The title of an Indie/Rock magazine is always in block letters this is a bold, strong and confident type of text that stands out clearly to the audience. The target audience will clearly be able to recognize  the type of genre for this magazine.

The use of smaller images along side the key image is a common convention for this type of genre. This is so the target audience know that there are other interesting stories about this artists and his band members. 

The use of quotes from the band or a specific band member is a common convention with the Indie/Rock genre. The quote lets the target audience know a bit about what the articles will be about. The quote always has to be interesting to grab the audiences attention 

Here is my final version of my cover page, everything that I have explain about the profession magazine has been placed into my magazine.

Double Page Spread

This is also an original and professional double page spread produce by "KERRANG"

The background colour on this is a dark plain black colour. Therefore any other colour used for text will contrast well with the background. Black is a usual colour for a genre like this.  

A common convention with Indie/Rock genre is using one key image to take one page and selection of smaller photographs on either the same or opposite page at the bottom of the page.

Using a drop cap is a common convention with nearly at type of genre in a magazine; however it is always used in an Indie/Rock magazine. The drop cap letter is always a different colour to the rest of the text in the article. This is to make is stand out clearly to the audience.

Quotes form band members are quite frequently used as a masthead in a double page spread. The masthead usually has two different coloured texts this firstly makes the entire masthead stand out but it also makes certain words stand out to the audience. The more important words are made to stand out by being in another colour.

This is my final version of my Double Page Spread, everything that I have explain about the profession Double page Spread has been placed on my work 

This is an original profession contents page by "Q"
A common convention with Indie/Rock genre is having one key image and several images either backing up that image on a different story within the magazine.

With the images on the cover page they are usually posed, but on the contents page there is always a couple of images that are realistic therefore the audience can see the passion the artists have for music through their body language and facial expressions. 

At the bottom of the page there normally is a different story to the main story this is to keep the audience interested. 

Sub-headings are always a different text the information underneath them. The sub-heading has to stand out. Block type font is usually used on contents with an Indie/rock genre.

This is my final version for my contents page. Every feature that I explain about the professional contents has been added to my work therefore my contents should be an effective contents page.

Friday 20 April 2012

Final Versions and Draft Versions

Cover Page

Here are my final designs for my cover page, contents page and double page spread, here I have finished my first final versions, then I asks a couple of students to comment on my work both negative and positive. From these comments I have developed my work . Below are the final designs.

 Contents Page

Double Page Spread

     Draft Versions

To get both positive and negative feedback on my work i have ask three students that are the targets audience age, from the comments that I will get i feel that i can improve my magazine.

 Liam Evans - Positive
I like the main image as it is following the iconic style, posing blankly into the camera with out an expression, I can relate easily to the model as he is about the same age as me and the type of style I wear. I like that the cover page has been split into two sections, a quarter of the top page has a plain black background, this makes the bold red masthead stand out clearer catching my attention straight away, I like that the cover line is in a different bold white font but still manages to stand out clearly to the audience. Even though there are three different text on this page I still feel that they all relate to each other, with out confusing the audience. Using a quote from the artist that the magazine is talking about is a good way to relate to the audience.

Liam Evans - Negative
In my opinion i feel the only problem with this cover page is that there is too much spare space and not enough information, smaller images or stories about other artists in the magazine. Once other images and more text has been added i think the cover page will look more exciting and inviting.

Ife Ahove - Positive
I like that the page has been split in to two section i feel that have a black rectangle at the top of the page splits up the page a bit making it look more inviting, the main background colour goes well with the colours of the texts and the images, grey is a good colour to use as many Indie/Rock magazines will use this colour for their background. The main image is a good image as the model stares directly into the camera, this is an iconic style. I feel that the text colours with quote go well with what is being said and creates a bit of an atmosphere.

Ife Ahove - Negative
Although I like this cover page i feel that there needs to be a few more small photographs at the bottom or left side of the page, therefore making the page look as though there is a lot of information, this will invite the audience in to reading the rest of the magazine. I think there is too much bare space which needs to be filled with text or small photographs

Kristy Barrett - Positive
i feel that having an offer on the cover page will attract the female sex into buying this magazine just for the poster, the image of the models face will also attract the female sex, they will just buy the magazine just to look and read about the artist on the front cover. I feel that the black rectangle place on the top of the magazine makes the poster look more interesting and catches my attention.

Kristy Barrett -Negative
I think that the lower three quarters of the page haven't got enough information or photographs on it. There is too much grey background, this makes it look like the magazine is struggling for information to used.

To get both positive and negative feedback on my work i have ask three students that are the targets audience age, from the comments that I will get i feel that i can improve my magazine.

 Liam Evans - Positive
I like the main image as it is a realistic image of the artist playing the guitar the audience will appreciate the image being realistic and not posed. The colour scheme is consistent I feel the white text contrasts well from the black background. As there is more than one story on this page it interested me into looking through the the features of the magazine.

Liam Evans - Negative
Although i like the main image i feel that there needs to be a background to it as it looks like the image is just floating on the page. It says "images from the Royal Albert Hall" but there is only one photo, the image needs to be image smaller and a bigger variety of photos need to be place there to stop it looking bare.

Ife Ahove - Positive
I like that the masthead say "electro this week" instead of the usual "contents" title, this shows me that this magazine should be quite unique. I like that all the sub heading have a thin red outer line around them, the red outer line makes the text stand out clearly and boldly to the audience, the smaller white text also stands out to the audience as white contrast the best off the colour black

Ife Ahove - Negative

The main image needs a different background colour on image as the image doesn't set right on the page. There needs to be more smaller images added as the page looks to plain, there seems to be a lot of black plain spaces.

Kristy Barrett - Positive
I like how the colour scheme has only three colour this makes it really clear for me to look at the text with out getting confused. The realistic image of the artist playing the guitar, the end of the guitar looks like it is coming out of the page, I feel that the way the image has been taken is a nice effect.

Kristy Barrett - Negative
From first looking at the page I feel that there isn't enough text or images on the page, there is too much black plain space, this makes the page look like there isn't a lot f information on it and will put the audience off from reading it. The main image needs a background image as it looks like the image is floating on the page, there also need to be more images at the bottom of the page as there is a lot of background space.

To get both positive and negative feedback on my work i have ask three students that are the targets audience age, from the comments that I will get i feel that i can improve my magazine.

Liam Evan - Positive
The background although a plain dark black relates well to the genre of the magazine, black is also a colour that any other colour contrasts well off of. The mast head has a strong bold red outer line, the size of the text s an appropriate size for the masthead.  The "News" sign in the top right side is a good piece of information for the reader as they are constantly being reminded of the website and exclusive news. I like that the the word "stronger" on the cover line is in a bold red this attracted me to red the text. 

Liam Evan - Negative
At the bottom of the page there is too much bare space, i feel that this makes the page look empty as though the editor is struggling with things to talk about. The red rectangle on the left side with "McCoy's Q&A" looks half empty, the information should reach down to the bottom of the page as again it looks like the editor is struggling for information. 

Ife Ahove - Positive
I like the photograph of the model, i feel that it is an iconic pose for a rock artist, i feel that photograph adds atmosphere to the page as the model looks upset or depressed, i feel that the image has related well to the story that is being told on the other side. The big "S" at the beginning of the text is also very effective as it stood out from the rest of the text which made me want to read it.

Ife Ahove - Negative
I feel that masthead should be a bit longer so it is slightly over the models head, the information in the red rectangle on the left side I feel needs more information in it, otherwise it make the page look bare. There needs to be more information at the bottom of the page on the right side as there is only one photo and it makes the entire page look boring, plain and bare. 

Kristy Barrett - Positive
Starting with the background colour, I like the way black contrasts well with the red and white text, the masthead stands out well to the audience because of how strong and bold the red outer line is. The photograph relates well to the story on the other page therefore the audience can relate more to the magazine as everything is connected and related to each other, the text have been constant throughout the magazine. The colour scheme has stayed the same throughout the magazine as well. Consistency has to be kept for the entire magazine to relate to each other thus the audience can relate to the magazine as well. 

Kristy Barrett - Negative
Although I like the atmosphere the photograph causes I feel that the photo needs to be a bit larger, taking up more space on the page. On the same page something needs to be at the bottom either smaller photographs or text as the page looks too bare and plain. The text inside the red rectangle on the left needs to be increased, there isn't enough, this makes it look like the magazine is struggling for information to talk about.The page is too bare and plain in my opinion this will put the audience off from reading the page.

Chosen Photography

To show what photographs I have chosen to go on my final designs for my cover page, contents and double page spread I have created a prezi document. The link is below.

Original photography

Within this prezi document I have placed all the photographs that I have taken for this project.
Here is the link to the Prezi document

Drafts - Chosen Designs

For my Cover page, contents and my double page spread I have designed three drafts, therefore I have a variety of drafts from each section to choose from. Here are the drafts for my cover page, contents and double page spread that I have chosen to use as a template for my cover page, contents and double page spread.
Cover Page - Draft

Contents - Draft

Double Page Spread - Draft

Draft Versions - Double Page Spread

Here are my three double page spread draft designs. I have designed three double page spreads so when it comes to choosing a design for my final design I will have a selection to choose from and improve.
Draft design 1

Draft design 2

Draft design 3

Draft Versions - Contents Page

Here is a selection of draft contents pages, here i have designed three drafts therefore when it come to choosing my favourite and developing my idea i will have a wider version to choose from.

Draft 1

Draft 2 

Draft 3

Draft Versions - Cover Page

Here are my first draft designs that I have for my cover page. I have designed three so I will have a selection of drafts to choose from and then develop the idea from one into my final deign. I have used my research of existing cover pages to influence me in to designing my idea. My genre is Indie/Rock therefore there has to be certain features on a cover page to attract my target audience.


Draft 2

Draft 3

Monday 19 March 2012

Music Magazine-Analysis of Magazine-Double Page Spread-Genre Research

I have now analysed three double page spreads with my specific genre, below are the analysed double page spreads:-

Analysis 1

Analysis 2  
Analysis 3

Through analysing these three components, I have learnt a lot about iconic attributes and conventions for a music magazine with the genre of indie/rock. Some of the key features that I have learnt about I will apply when creating my product such as: - the plain background is effective as it won’t draw any attention away from the information and images on the page, make sure that both pages are equalled out with information and text on each side, use columns to make it easier to read the text and it looks professional and clearer.

Music Magazine-Analysis of Magazine-Contents Page-Genre Research

 I have now analysed three contents pages with my indie/rock genre, below are my contents pages:-

Analysis 1

Analysis 2 

Analysis 3

Through analysing three contents pages, I have learnt the key iconic attributes and conventions that need to be in a music magazine for the genre indie/rock. Some of the feature that I have learnt will be applied to my own contents page when I design it. The feature that I will design onto my contents page will be using one main image that has been posed and a couple of smaller images of the band or artist at a concert or gig making the images realistic, only using a maximum of three different colours and text fonts otherwise the page will look confusing.